European Auto RepairMaintenance

Catalytic Converter Problems in European Automobiles

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Underneath your European automobile is an important part. This exhaust system part is the catalytic converter. What this part does is take the dangerous toxins in your vehicle’s exhaust, such as carbon monoxide, and converts them into safer emissions that meet environmental standards. The catalytic converter on your European automobile will last about 10 years. After this time, Lucas Auto Care advises you may notice the following signs of a faulty catalytic converter.

Acceleration Lag

One of the most common problems the catalytic converter faces is getting clogged by exhaust carbons. When this happens, the engine’s exhaust is backed into the combustion chamber. This exhaust needs to be cleared out in order for fresh air and fuel to be ignited. If there is a backup, you will end up with acceleration lag.

Sputtering Engine

You will also end up with a sputtering engine, especially at high speeds. Unfortunately, you will continue to have these engine performance issues until you replace the catalytic converter. Exhaust clogs can also become a huge problem if the exhaust makes its way into your vehicle’s cabin. You may end up inhaling carbon monoxide without even realizing it.

Black Vehicle Exhaust

Another sign that your catalytic converter is malfunctioning is black exhaust flowing out of the tailpipe. This is an indication that the converter is not doing its job of converting toxins into safer emissions. This can happen because the converter is clogged, but it can also happen if the converter is dying. Again, you can expect to get a decade out of your European automobile’s catalytic converter. After that, it will need to be replaced sooner rather than later.

Burning Sulfur Odors

Burning sulfur odors definitely point to a problem with the catalytic converter. Aside from the battery, this is the only vehicle part that will emit this odor. This odor resembles rotten eggs. If you smell rotten eggs in your vehicle’s exhaust, in the engine bay, or coming from underneath your automobile, you have a faulty catalytic converter that needs to be replaced.

Excessive Heat

Finally, when the catalytic converter malfunctions it releases excessive heat. This heat will start underneath your automobile where the catalytic converter is located. Unfortunately, heat rises, and, eventually, the excess catalytic converter heat will make your engine overheat. Your engine will continue to overheat until you replace the catalytic converter.

Call Lucas Auto Care in Cypress, TX, today if you suspect the catalytic converter in your European automobile has died. We would be happy to replace it if necessary.

photo by deepblue4ou from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro